Mental illnesses affect millions of people worldwide. While some conditions may be relatively common, others can be difficult to diagnose and treat due to being uncommon or rare
Becoming familiar with rare mental health disorders is essential so that you can seek assistance if and when needed. Beginning treatment early will reduce complications and ensure your mental well-being remains sound.
So today, we are going to cover some of the rarest mental health disorders in 2023
About Mental Health Disorders
A mental health disorder is defined as any condition which interferes with thinking, feeling, mood regulation, and the ability to relate with others as well as daily functioning.
Everyone is susceptible to mental health issues, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity. While genes may increase someone’s risk for developing mental illness, environmental and social influences also play a part in someone’s risk for mental illness.
The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) identifies and classifies nearly 300 different mental disorders. We are only aware of a few common mental health issues, but there are many disorders that can be difficult to diagnose due lack of awareness about them.
10 Rare Mental Health Disorders
Though most psychiatric disorders are treatable, there are some rare mental health conditions that may surprise medical professionals and catch them off-guard.
By increasing awareness about these rare mental health disorders, we hope more of those living with them can get access to treatment that’s right for them.
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a rare mental health condition affecting your perceptions and those around you. Dubbed after Lewis Carroll’s famous book, this mental disorder causes people to perceive their bodies differently. People may feel their bodies are bigger or smaller than what is actually true. AIWS may alter how you perceive time, making it seem as if time is passing faster than it actually does and making sounds appear louder than they actually are.
Alien Hand Syndrome
An individual with alien hand syndrome is unable to control the movement of their hand, which often seems to move on its own. This condition could be brought on by stroke, brain tumor, or neurological conditions such as dementia. The symptoms may develop gradually or suddenly depending on their cause. Most commonly associated with stroke victims, this condition can also manifest after brain surgeries that divide up two hemispheres of the brain.
Factitious Disorder
Factitious disorder is a mental health condition in which individuals falsely perceive physical illnesses or injuries when in reality, none exist. The disorder may result from genetics, environment, brain abnormalities, or trauma experienced as children. Women are more prone to this disorder than men, and often those working in healthcare (such as nurses or healthcare workers). Patients suffering from this disorder may mislead themselves about their condition making diagnosis by healthcare professionals difficult.
Erotomania is an uncommon mental health condition in which individuals believe that they’re romantically involved with someone they don’t like – this delusion may become all-consuming and lead to stalking and violence against that individual. If you suffer from Erotomania, consulting a licensed mental health professional to find an effective means of management can be of great assistance in creating coping skills and pinpointing triggers while finding treatments tailored specifically for you.
Capgras Syndrome
Capgras syndrome is a delusional disorder in which someone believes they have been replaced by another person or thing, even when this belief is unsubstantiated by fact or reason. This disorder can be highly distressing to both those living with and supporting those affected by Capgras syndrome. Though no known cure exists for Capgras syndrome. Medication and psychotherapy may help manage its symptoms while improving the quality of life for those living with this condition.
Visual Snow Syndrome
Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS) is a neurological condition that impacts how our brain processes information. Moreover, leading people to see an endless stream of flickering dots that resemble static. They may also experience light sensitivity, night vision problems, ringing in their ears, or migraines as symptoms. Researchers have observed that those living with visual snow syndrome often also suffer from various psychological symptoms, including anxiety and depression, depersonalization, and fatigue.
Reduplicative Amnesia
Reduplicative amnesia (RP), caused by brain trauma. It is a rare mental disorder in which individuals become convinced their home or hospital is located in another town. This can be frightening and lead to much confusion for patients. RP can often be observed among those suffering from brain tumors or injuries; it has also been observed in Alzheimer’s patients. RP is one of the more complex mental illnesses to diagnose accurately.
Selective Mutism
Selective Mutism is a condition in which children avoid speaking in certain social situations such as school. Also referred to as an anxiety-driven fear of speech disorder. Selective mutism hinders children from communicating at home, with teachers, or in classrooms. Selective Mutism can cause symptoms that include avoiding eye contact, withdrawing from social interaction, and shutting down when someone approaches them.
Conversion Disorder
Conversion disorder is a mental health condition that causes its sufferers to manifest physical symptoms. In order to soothe an internal conflict caused by difficult situations or mental illnesses. Conversion disorder remains unknown, yet researchers believe its cause stems from how one’s brain processes emotional stress. It is in response to upsetting situations and mental health issues such as depression.
Substance-Induced Anxiety
Substance-induced anxiety disorder occurs when symptoms of anxiety, panic, and phobia. They are brought on by drug use or withdrawal rather than from stress or alcohol use alone. This condition should be distinguished from anxiety attacks caused by stressful situations or spontaneous alcohol or drug consumption alone.
What Is The Hardest Mental Illness to Diagnose?
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the more difficult mental illnesses to identify. BPD is a complex condition with various coexisting disorders. They include depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are just some examples that make diagnosis and treatment challenging.
Many individuals suffer from mental disorders, including anxiety and depression. Though these disorders are the most well-known forms of mental illness, there may be lesser-known problems that many people are not even aware of. Understanding these disorders is vital in providing appropriate treatments and living a fulfilling lifestyle. While these conditions may be difficult to diagnose, effective medication and therapy treatments exist that may provide relief.