Lower Jaw Toothache and Ear Pain on the Same Side

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The two may seem unrelated at first glance when experiencing discomfort involving a lower jaw toothache and ear pain on the same side. However, in the vast network that is the human body, interconnectedness is key. 

Today, let’s unravel the tangled strings that link the lower jaw to the ear and shed light on this dual discomfort.


Anatomy 101

The lower jaw (mandible) and the ear share nerves and muscles. One such nerve, the trigeminal nerve, is the maestro in this story. 

It has three branches, one of which supplies sensation to the teeth and jaws, while another strums the sensory chords of the ear. When the jaw experiences pain, this nerve sometimes carries the pain sensations to the ear.

Dental issues can lead to ear pain, but sometimes the story begins in the ear. Middle ear infections, common among children but possible in adults, can cause pain that seems to emanate from the jaw. In such cases, it’s important to consult an ENT specialist. 

Fluid build-up in the Eustachian tube (connecting the middle ear to the back of the nose) can put pressure on the area, sometimes misconstrued as dental pain. Therefore, a proper diagnosis is key.



Common Causes

Let us now dive into some of the most common causes you may be experiencing lower jaw and ear pain at the same time.


Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the skull. TMD can cause pain in the jaw joint and muscles and, due to proximity and shared nerves, can cause a reverberation of pain in the ear.


Dental Abscess or Infection

An infection in a lower molar can cause swelling and inflammation, leading to pain that resonates both in the jaw and the ear.


Impacted Wisdom Teeth

A wisdom tooth trying to emerge, especially in the lower jaw, can cause pressure, leading to pain in the area and often extending to the ear.


Clenching or Grinding (Bruxism)

Often occurring during sleep, the excessive forces exerted while clenching or grinding can cause soreness in the muscles and joints of the jaw, which can be felt in the ear.


Referred Pain from Cervical Muscles

Sometimes, pain from the neck muscles can be referred to the jaw and ear. This can occur due to poor posture or muscle tension.


Psychological Aspect and Stress

Stress and anxiety play a significant role in the perception of pain. Bruxism, previously mentioned, is often a result of stress. In a domino effect, this clenching and grinding can lead to TMD and associated ear pain. 

Managing stress through relaxation techniques, counselling, or even speaking to a friend can help alleviate the grinding habit and, subsequently, the pain.



Managing the Pain

Pain can be easily managed with a few lifestyle changes to relieve discomfort. 


Warm or Cold Compress

Applying a warm or cold compress to the area of discomfort can provide relief. Alternate between hot and cold to reduce inflammation.


Pain Medication

Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate the pain. However, it is advisable to consult your dentist before taking any medication.


Soft Diet

Opting for a soft diet can reduce strain on the jaw, thus relieving associated ear pain.


Jaw Exercises

Gentle exercises can strengthen the jaw muscles and alleviate pain. Consult your dentist for suitable exercises.



Proper Ergonomics

If the pain is referred from cervical muscles, adjusting your posture and ergonomics while working or sleeping can be beneficial.


Dental Intervention

Seek dental care if the cause is an abscess, impacted tooth, or infection. Your dentist will diagnose the issue and provide the necessary treatment.


Avoiding Triggers

If you are prone to grinding your teeth, your dentist might recommend wearing a mouthguard at night.


Home Remedies 

When managing pain at home, natural remedies can be instrumental. Clove oil, for instance, has analgesic properties and can be applied near the toothache area (but not the ear!). 

Ginger and garlic also have anti-inflammatory properties and can be used in your diet to reduce pain.


Seek Help

You should immediately seek medical or dental help if the pain is unmanageable and affecting your quality of life. 



Key Takeaway

Understanding anatomy helps us manage pain more effectively. Lower jaw toothache and ear pain on the same side can play a dissonant tune in your daily life, but recognising the interconnectedness and addressing the root causes can bring you back to a pain-free state. 

If the pain persists or is severe, do not hesitate to seek professional advice from your dentist or healthcare provider. It’s important to remember that taking care of your oral health is like composing a beautiful piece of music, where each note matters.


Looking for a Consult?

If you’re concerned about the pain radiating from your lower jaw to your ear. Then look no further than Vue Dental. We’ll treat your teeth to cure them of any disease and restore their functionality!

Our state-of-the-art dental office is equipped with the latest equipment and a highly qualified team of dental practitioners who can address all your dental issues. 

Get a consult with Dr Keshavi Patel today by calling us at 512-888-9340 or book an appointment online via our website. We offer all sorts of dental services, so feel free to contact us with any queries about your oral health!