An Earache That Turned into a Toothache

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Earaches and toothaches are pretty common conditions; chances are you’ve experienced both in your lifetime. Well, did you know that both of these aches can often be interconnected, where one is causing the other and vice versa? 

Today’s blog is going to be all about how earaches and toothaches are connected and what you should do if you experience them. We aim to educate our audience as much as possible, so they’re well-informed and know the course of action when they experience symptoms. 


How are Earaches and Toothaches Connected?

The ear and the teeth are connected by nerves. The trigeminal nerve transmits sensory information from the teeth and face to the brain. The same nerve is also responsible for sending information from the ear. Therefore, patients can feel pain in the ear in the teeth, and vice versa.


An Earache That Turned into a Toothache


In some cases, an infection in the ear can spread to the jawbone and cause tooth pain. Similarly, a dental infection can spread to the ear and cause ear pain. When this happens, it is referred to as a referred pain, where the pain in one area of the body is felt in another area.

Moreover, sometimes the pain isn’t related to the teeth or the ears at all. Patients can often perceive pain in the temporomandibular joint or TMJ as pain in the ear due to its close vicinity to the ears. 

Pain from the TMJ can also often times radiate to the jaw and teeth, which is often mistaken as toothaches caused due to pain in the ear. 


How Do We Narrow Down the Root Cause of the Pain?

Since the relationship between teeth and the ears is so complex, narrowing down the root cause of pain is essential. Finding out whether your toothache is caused by an earache or your earache is caused by a toothache is crucial in getting the proper treatment. 

A simple way to differentiate between the two is by categorizing your symptoms and seeing a doctor or dentist. Earaches and toothaches have very different fundamental symptoms that will allow you to determine which pain is causing the other. 


Typical Symptoms of Earaches

Earaches are typically characterized by a sharp, dull, and throbbing pain in the ear. However, other symptoms typical of an earache include;

  • Difficulty hearing
  • Pressure or fullness in the ear
  • Nausea
  • Ringing of the ear
  • Drainage from the ear
  • Fever (in case of infection)
  • Toothache (spread from the ear to the jaw and teeth)

If you’re experiencing symptoms like these or similar, chances are you primarily have an earache causing a toothache due to referred pain. Addressing the earache will also alleviate the toothache. 


An Earache That Turned into a Toothache


Typical Symptoms of Toothaches 

Toothaches are typically characterised by sharp, dull, or throbbing pain that can be aggravated or stimulated by hot or cold foods, sweet or acidic foods, chewing, and injuries. Other characteristic toothache symptoms include;

  • Bleeding gums
  • Swollen face or gums surrounding the tooth
  • Fever (in case of infection)
  • Sharp intolerable pain
  • Fowl breath
  • Referred pain in the jaw, ear, or temple region
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Pain on biting
  • Headaches

These symptoms would indicate a toothache as the primary culprit that is causing your earache too. 


Key Takeaway

While earaches and toothaches can often seem unrelated, the reality can be the opposite. If you’re experiencing both simultaneously and can’t figure out the primary cause, you should analyse your symptoms to determine the root cause, whether it’s a toothache or earache. 


An Earache That Turned into a Toothache


This will help you get the appropriate treatment to alleviate both aches together. Suppose you’re still unsure about your symptoms or develop serious symptoms like a fever or pain that won’t go away even after medication. In that case, you should seek out medical or dental help as soon as possible. 


Looking for a Consult?

If you’re concerned your toothache is related to your ear problems and want to get it checked out, look no further than Vue Dental

Our state-of-the-art dental office is equipped with the latest equipment and a highly qualified team of dental practitioners who are more than capable of addressing all your dental issues. 

Get a consult with Dr Keshavi Patel today by calling us at 512-888-9340 or book an appointment online via our website. We offer all sorts of dental services, so feel free to contact us with any queries about your oral health!